I’m back. I think?

Okay okay. It’s been a minute. Might’ve said that in a previous post. But I can explain. I let the “professional” upgrade of my blog lapse, if you will. I just couldn’t justify the expense since this blog is not a legitimate side hustle, even though it could be. So I “downgraded.” But then I completely lost my site for a while. Once I figured out some specifics, we got her back up, baby! And to add a little fun, I thought I’d change up the look of triadfoodies.com. I am not sure if it’ll stay, but we’ll see how it goes.

In the meantime, we’re going to launch into April and May crazy over here. You may remember I homeschool and the kids are in HIGH SCHOOL and one just turned 18 and is about to graduate. I cannot! Freshman year for the younger one is a LOT so we are getting through it. They’ve got debate, prom, commencement, projects, App State orientation (yep my girl is a Mountaineer!). Add to helping out with the family business, which is the livelihood and takes priority (after kids of course), the blog has been eh…neglected.

No worries though, you know I got you over on instagram so that’s really where a lot of the magic happens. Follow us at triadfoodies.com.

About Chef’s Table…is it coming back? Remains to be seen honestly, after the pandemic that shall not be named, it became quite the challenge to get chefs and restaurants on board due to staffing and generally a good amount of PTSD. We may bring it back, but we’re riding it out for now. Stay tuned because ya never know.

I missed y’all and stay tuned for more recipes and happenings. I’ll try not to leave you hanging.

What say you, foodie?

I’m Kristi

Welcome to Triadfoodies. We started it all in the Triad of North Carolina featuring local restaurants and chefs, events and all the goodies.My family and I since moved to the NC mountains, where we do all the same things while maintaining those connections “down the mountain.” Stay for awhile to check out recipes and things I’m passionate about.

Let’s connect